In an otherwise ugly environment for bond issuers and investors, the future for emerging market debt looks unquestionably green
Fixed income markets have become increasingly volatile, a trend that looks set to continue. Investors need to adapt themselves
Sustainability is rapidly becoming a core focus in investment strategies and access to reliable data is key to putting money to work with the right fund managers
What are the advantages of active credit allocation in portfolios now that government bonds no longer serve their traditional purpose?
The context behind the Chinese domestic bond market and why Pictet Asset Management believes this market offers insurance companies superior investment opportunities
Careful underwriting of real estate debt can provide downside protection for insurers’ portfolios as the market cycle turns, says M&G’s Real Estate Debt Finance director Duncan Batty
Insurance companies are increasingly seeking investments that offer both attractive returns and make efficient use of capital. A growing number are recognising the valuable role that real estate debt – specifically senior mortgages on commercial property – can play within a core fixed income portfolio – and the multiple benefits it can offer large-scale investors with longer investment horizons and capacity to accept illiquidity
Europe's insurers are becoming increasingly interested in infrastructure assets, but more action is required by policymakers to unlock future potential investment, according to a survey conducted by Insurance Europe
Insurance Europe is 'puzzled' by the long list of supervisory actions recommended by EIOPA arising from its latest stress test report
A 'double-hit' scenario across Europe is to have a negative impact worth €160bn on the undertakings balance-sheets of EU-wide insurers and for a 'low-for-long' scenario an impact of €100bn, according to EIOPA's latest insurance stress test report
IAME speaks to a number of insurance experts about the biggest issues facing insurance investment in 2017
Insurance regulators and supervisors must not forget the 'bread and butter' of their business roles amid Solvency II, the Central Bank of Ireland has warned
Protectionist policies against foreign reinsurers by jurisdictions can create concentration risks in their economies and restrict the development of their reinsurance markets, according to Insurance Europe, the European insurance and reinsurance federation
A Donald Trump or Hilary Clinton US election victory appears unlikely to remove the costly duplicative regulatory requirements that insurers face, when trading in both the EU and the US, Crowe Horwath partner Daniel Bruce has said
The insurance sector must act as an "island of stability in a sea of uncertainty" if it is to ride the low rate economic environment, industry leaders have stated.
Insurance companies are closer to the beginning of the ESG journey than the end but an accelerated move is occurring within this space, Standard Life Investments investment director for insurance solutions Bruce Porteous has said