Just Group has been listed as a signatory of the UK Stewardship Code by the Financial Reporting Council (FRC).
In order to be listed as a signatory to the Code, Just Group was required to submit to the FRC a Stewardship Report demonstrating in detail how it has applied the Code’s Principles in the previous 12 months.
Nimisha Sodha, head of responsible investment at retirement specialist Just Group, said: “As a leading UK insurer, managing more than £24bn of customers’ retirement savings, we are committed to making a positive impact through our investment activities, leaving a responsible footprint and creating a fairer world. We help people achieve a better later life, this is our purpose and why we exist. Our stewardship and approach to responsible investment contributes to fulfilling our purpose.
“Responsible investment brings significant, sustainable benefits for the economy, environment and society. Becoming a signatory of the UK Stewardship Code marks a significant milestone in our commitment to meet our target of being net-zero in all our emissions, including our investments, by 2050.”