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First global survey of insurance industry on risks associated with plastic pollution launched

Written by Adam Cadle

UN Environment’s Principles for Sustainable Insurance Initiative (PSI) is carrying out the first research study on the risks of plastic pollution, marine plastic litter and microplastics to the insurance industry in its roles as risk managers, insurers and investors.

The aims of the project are to understand how plastic pollution risks manifest themselves across lines of insurance business (non-life and life & health insurance) and across asset classes.

In addition it wishes to identify strategies and actions for the insurance industry to better manager plastic pollution risks in terms of risk assessment and analytics, risk reduction measures, insurance products, and investments; including the role of insurance regulators and supervisors in this agenda.

The project has three phases including a literature review; interviews with select insurers, reinsurers, brokers, regulators and/or key stakeholders, and a global survey of the insurance industry and key stakeholders.

An online survey has been produced and insurance industry participants and key stakeholders are urged to complete this by 30 September 2019. An official UN report will be produced for the Our Ocean conference in Oslo on 23-24 October.

To access the survey, please visit:

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